Donations go to legal fees and educating people on how they can help.

A Salmon Protection Device

To prevent Sea Lions from eating them as they enter the fish ladder at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River

The Sea Lions are the majority issue for the salmon not the Columbia river dams. NOAA Fisheries in Portland Oregon will start killing Sea Lions this week in the Columbia river. Please go to this link and contact their two leaders and say they don’t need to kill the Sea Lions just give us the funding for

Grantor agency has assigned the following Agency Tracking Number to your application: 3231688. Grantor Agency is NOAA Fisheries. The judge’s decision on Green Peter Dam was based on incomplete science published in a predatory journal. The Klamath river dams like the others need upstream side dredging to get the fish ladders working again. The western Oregon Dams need dredging behind them not blown up! We recommend International Journal of Uncompromised Science

Screenshot of USACE Permits site showing our 404 permit.
Screenshot of USACE Permits site showing our 404 permit.

Our Story

I knew Steve Cramer since the early 1990’s. Steve was working on salmon research as Cramer Fish Sciences. Through the years Steve and I had talked about the idea of Salmon Protection Devices (SPD) to prevent the sea lions from attacking the salmon as they enter the fish ladders at Bonneville Dam. Unfortunately, Steve passed away of cancer in the Spring of 2023. In January, that year I talked with Steve and he said he wasn’t going to live much longer and he asked me to make the SPD a reality. I told him I’d do everything I could, but my resources were limited. 

Then in December 2023 I saw ODFW funding available for such projects and with Steve in mind went ahead and applied. In the process I contacted the Army Corp of Engineers. They liked the idea and rushed the Section 408 and Joint application. This application normally takes a year, but they finished in one month. We also received the fish ladder drawings from the Corp.  

If we receive the funding in April we’ll move heaven and earth to get the first of five SPD’s installed in December 2024 barely a year and a half after Steve Cramer’s dying request. It will include a memorial name plate in his honor. 

I Salmon fished on Sauvie Island many times with Steve between January and March each year. Our group of about 25 would walk back a few miles to our favorite spot. Salmon are much faster than Sea Lions and can normally out run them, but not on the end of a fish line. Almost every other catch a sea lion would take the Salmon off our line and eat it. We ended up with a salmon head and that’s all. 

As part of the follow-up protocol, we’re asking for a three-year moratorium on Salmon Fishing below the Bonneville Dam on both banks.  This, along with the SPD will remove easy access to food for the Sea Lions in the river. This should be adequate time to train the Sea Lions to return to the ocean where they belong and give the Salmon population time to recover, free from sea lions and fishermen.  

As noted in the table below, the increase in Sea Lions correlates almost one-to-one with the declining fish counts at Bonneville dam. It’s a well-known fact that the Sea Lions wait at the fish ladders on the downstream side of the Dam for Salmon going upstream to enter the ladder. One Sea Lion eats its fill and another Sea Lion takes its place in a round robin style.  

See Figures one and two for virtual proof that the major issue with the decline in salmon population on the Columbia is the Sea Lions, not the dams. The two lines are almost parallel, indicating correlation of the two variables.

The problem is a bit different on the Green Peter Dam in Western Oregon, where water turbidity has been killing the fish. A judge ordered draining the reservoir on the assumption that that would allow it to refill with clean water from upstream. However, that made turbidity much worse as dirt sloughed off the newly exposed banks and the water level went down. This was done on the advice of a radical environmental group that stands to profit from removal of the dam after the fish are “protected.” Their idea of “protection” has killed orders-of-magnitude more fish than would get the rest of us thrown in jail probably for life. 

They made no effort to consult with Dam operators or local residents before making their extreme draw-down, and dam removal proposal. When I visited the dam with my sister to take some pictures, I spoke with the Dam operator. He said that he emphatically did not agree with the judge’s ruling and that the protocol had resulted in far more fish being killed by additional turbidity. He recommended dredging behind the dam to save both the dam and the fish. 

On the way home, I spoke with a member of the university team who had prepared the scientific assessment for the court. After a brief discussion with myself and my sister he agreed that dredging behind the dam would be the best solution. 

[This article was edited by Oliver Woods, Head-of-School at, an online classical school for grades 7-12. Prospective student families and others may pick up a free copy of his new book at Keys to the Classics: A History of the Decline and Fall of Western Civilization] 

Figure 1. Sea Lion Increase in Columbia River

Figure two salmon counts decrease almost mirrors the Sea Lion Increase, making it a direct correlation.

News and Articles

  • Notice of Electronic Filing: 6-3-2024

    The following transaction was entered on 6/3/2024 at 11:39 PM PDT and filed on 6/3/2024 Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: David White Document Number: 46 Docket Text:Motion MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AMENDED. Filed by David White. (White, David) 3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice has been electronically mailed to: David…

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Original Memorandum filed in FERC online. This is ECF 12. They (FREC) cherry picked data which is illegal by US Supreme Court 6/28/2024 in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce.

Confirmation of Receipt


This is to confirm receipt by the FERC Office of the Secretary of the following electronic submission:

-Submission ID: 1530458

-Docket(s) No.: P-14803-000

-Filed By: Dave White

-Signed By: Dave White

-Filing Desc: Application for Surrender of License of Dave White under P-14803-000. The ferk document was not followed by defendants. No required mitigation was done and 2000 fish including endangered salmon were killed and a herd of elk killed by defendants.

-Submission Date/Time: 7/2/2024 10:29:35 PM -Projected Filed Date/Time: 7/3/2024 8:30:00 AM (Subject to Change based on OPM/FERC Closure)

  • Update: 6-2-2024

    Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 6/1/2024 at 8:04 PM PDT and filed on 6/1/2024 Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: David White Document Number: 41 Docket Text:Motion PLAINTIFFS RESPONSE TO BRIEFING REPLY SCHEDULE REQUEST. AMENDED. Filed by David White. (White, David)

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  • Notice of Electronic Filing: 5-27-2024

    The following transaction was entered on 5/27/2024 at 12:28 PM PDT and filed on 5/27/2024 Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: David White Document Number: 32 Docket Text:Proposed Motion Gag Order request for defendants. Filed by David White. (White, David) 3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice has been electronically mailed…

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  • Water Quality with Drawn Down Reservoir

    Water Quality with Drawn Down Reservoir

    Our article debunking Oregon Public Broadcasting article: A crew of out-of-state pseudo-scientists is now busily making final preparations for the removal of the last of 4 dams on the Klamath River, the Iron Gate dam. That’s according to a January 5, 2024 article in OPB First Look newsletter. With dam removal only weeks away, it…

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  • Green Peter Dam Tragedy

    Green Peter Dam Tragedy

    Our media article to be sent week of January 8th about the wrong decision on Green Peter dam. Contrary to recent legal rulings, science, properly understood, strongly suggests that manmade dams are not in fact causing depletion of Salmon populations on the Columbia River and its tributaries. A closer look at the recent judicial decision…

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Hydroelectric Dams are not the issue for Northwestern United States Salmon Runs

The Sea Lions, which are not natural in the Columbia river, are decimating the Salmon Runs. The Sea Lions wait at the downstream side of the fish ladders at Bonneville Dam and eat their fill of Salmon swimming into the ladder entrance. This issue is well known. Any person who fishes on the Columbia river either has heard about it or seen it first hand. ODFW Biologists who check fishing tags know this also.

Our device will prevent Sea Lions from getting the salmon.

Proposal under consideration for $2.1 million from ODFW. After submitting the proposal I went to this website link and talked to the funding coordinator. After explaining this to them, they said the commission is very excited to evaluate our proposal and we should here something in March 2024.

We are applying for an ODFW grant to weld a cage (patent pending) onto the fish ladder so the salmon have multiple holes to come through thereby avoiding the Sea Lions. We also applied for section 408 checking by the Corp of Engineers.

Linn County to file a lawsuit against the Judges decision which was based on incomplete science. News article. Linn County article. Letter from Congress Women Chavez-DeRemer Letter to Judge about wrong decision.

Killing of the fish in Green Peter or the Klamath river is illegal. We are asking ODFW to charge these people with these crimes.