Portland General Electric

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Defendants continue to raise rates for consumers to avoid raising rates to Industrial Data Centers.

After an 18% increase in January, Defendants are requesting 7.4% more in 2025.  This Class Action Complaint (lawsuit) with an Injunction to make PGE roll back prices to before the 18% increase and not raise rates for ten years. We need residence from the Portland Oregon Area to sign up for this. A sign up button with be available by end of July 16th 2024


KOIN news has, if effect, concurred in numerous broadcasts.

When it comes to climate change, PGE is “politically incorrect” and “woke,” based on deceptive United Nations (UN) research, aided and abetted by corporate, mainstream media.

In a misguided attempt to reduce emissions, Electric Vehicles are crashing the grid.  Moreover, the average residence time of atmospheric carbon dioxide is 150 years. This implies that any attempt to effect short-term climate change by focusing on reducing emissions (such as EVs) is futile.

Maybe it’s time to dust off our Biology 101 textbooks, to remind us that plants eat carbon dioxide, converting it to oxygen in a process known as photosynthesis.  Probably, deforestation of the Amazon rain forest over a 75-year period has had something to do with an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide.  Stranger things have happened.

With that in mind, just about any 7th grade Biology student will tell you that if you want to lower carbon dioxide, everybody should simply plant three native trees and shrubs every year for about 5 years.