Attention Klamath area residents! We invite you to join the Klamath River Renewal and FERC Class Action Lawsuit, a crucial step towards ensuring our community receives the justice and compensation it deserves. By participating, you’ll be standing with your neighbors to hold these people accountable for their actions. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a positive impact for yourself and your community. Sign up today and be a part of the change we need!
We already filed this against FERC for illegally cherry picking data. They had zero legal standing to give your client (KRRC) a license. Also both cases were illegal administrative law and illegal bias.
This is against KRRC. Appeal Brief accepted in 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. This is the Power of Pro Se, A retired Federal Attorney and a Journalist who makes the words perfect.
Wednesday 10/2/2024 we filed 24-5275_EMERGENCY_MOTION_Under_CIRCUIT_RULE 27-3_RELIEF_NEEDED_BY_10-8-24.pdf. Also a WRIT of Mandamus which forces the court to do what we want done. However the Ninth Circuit is now in default itself. This is setting up for US Supreme court.
***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se litigants) to receive one free electronic copy of all documents filed electronically, if receipt is required by law or directed by the filer. PACER access fees apply to all other users. To avoid later charges, download a copy of each document during this first viewing.
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Notice of Docket Activity
The following transaction was entered on 09/06/2024 4:49:30 PM PDT and filed on 09/06/2024
Case Name: White v. Coffman, et al.
Case Number: 24-5275
Docket Text:
CLERK ACTION: Opening Brief submitted at DE 3 by Appellant David White is filed. [Entered: 09/06/2024 04:49 PM]
U.S. District Court this was against FERC.
District of Oregon
Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered on 9/1/2024 at 12:51 PM PDT and filed on 9/1/2024
Case Name: White v. Phillips et al
Case Number: 1:24-cv-01301-MC
Filer: David White
Document Number: 8
Docket Text:
Motion for Summary Judgment REQUEST FOR SUMMARY JUDGEMENT BY RULE 56. Filed by David White. (White, David)
1:24-cv-01301-MC Notice has been electronically mailed to:
David White,
1:24-cv-01301-MC Notice will not be electronically mailed to:
The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:
Document description:Main Document
Original filename:Not Available
Electronic document Stamp:
[STAMP ordStamp_ID=875559790 [Date=9/1/2024] [FileNumber=8686356-0] [8
Moved the complaint (lawsuit) to Medford Federal court and made it class action. An injunction filed also.
Filed a class action Complaint and Injunction against the Commissioners at FERC also. Any sign up for Pacific Corp will also be a signup for these lawsuits they are class action. California Water board testimony ignored by FERC.
This is a filing on 7/31/2024for an emergency hearing to remove Klamath River Renewal Corps (KRRC) permit because of the many violations in docket P-14804-000. Today 8/1/2024 I called the Commissioners at FERC to get an email to send a federal complaint and summons to them. We are suing them to force them to take away KRRC permit and give us a hearing.
Confirmation of Receipt
This is to confirm receipt by the FERC Office of the Secretary of the following electronic submission:
-Submission ID: 1541280
-Docket(s) No.: P-14803-000
-Filed By: Dave White
-Signed By: Dave White
-Filing Desc: Application for Transfer of License of Dave White under P-14803-000. Klamath River Renewal Corp (KRRC) has violated the license multiple times. Massive environmental destruction is the result. Plaintiff requests an emergency removal of KRRC license.
-Submission Date/Time: 7/31/2024 2:49:44 PM -Projected Filed Date/Time: 7/31/2024 2:49:44 PM (Subject to Change based on OPM/FERC Closure)
Additional detail about your filing is available via the following link:
Defendants ECF 68 is all a violation of Federal Laws to wit: 18 U.S.C. § 1001 False Statements, Concealment, 18 U.S.C. 1621 Perjury and 29 CFR § 1606.8 harassment. If defendants upload one more pleading with only one untruthful statement then Plaintiff will demand the court to adjudication of you to the FBI for investigation and the Federal Prosecutor in Portland to charge these crimes against you. Defendants killed 2000 fish including endangered Salmon and a herd of elk without permits. Defendants also released 5 million metric yards of silt from the Iron Gate Dam on January 23rd, 2024 which killed all aquatic life to the coast. 120 river miles are devastated. Defendants knew (Exhibit 1 in February 17, 2022) they were not permitted to release more than 1500 cubic yards of silt from any of the dams. However, the silt on the sides of
the klamath river is contaminated with extremely high concentrations of arsenic and chromium VI and much more than the 4 dams and 1500 cubic yards each. Many animals have perished as a result of this malfeasance. These are the applicable environmental laws broken by defendants: 16 USCA § 1532(19); see also Goble, D. D.; George, S. M.; Mazaika, K.; Scott, J. M. & Karl, J. (1999) “Local and national protection of endangered species: An assessment,” Environmental Science & Policy, 2, pp. 43-59.18 U.S. Code § 41 – Hunting, fishing, trapping; disturbance or injury on wildlife refuges. The Endangered Species Act of 1973, 33 U.S.C. §1251 et seq. (1972) Clean water act Section 404 18 USC 3 accessory after the fact.
Defendants’ pleadings are not properly before the Court due to failure to double space the document, In violation of Federal Court Rules, FRCP 10,5.Additionally, Plaintiff has clearly demonstrated that this Court does indeed have jurisdiction over this case because FERC is not a defendant and all other objections to standing are trivial or irrelevant smokescreens based on abuse of the laws cited! More importantly, standing is inherent or built-in by the Defendants’
violations of Federal Environmental law and the seven values articulated therein, reserved for every citizen of the United
States. Also moving back to the Klamath Area gives legal standing. When the federal prosecutor learned of this case they directed the FBI to investigate 4 Federal environmental laws confirmed broken, including confession in a Press Conference to killing 2,000 fish and a herd of elk without permits, as reported in an OPB article. This is ECF 1 page 8 line 10 through Page 9 line 18.
Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered on 7/28/2024 at 1:32 PM PDT and filed on 7/28/2024
Case Name: | White v. Coffman et al |
Case Number: | 3:24-cv-00755-JR |
Filer: | David White |
Document Number: | 69 |
Overwhelming stakeholder support to keep the Klamath River dams. 78% of Siskiyou county voted to keep the dams. 2017 California Water board testimony was mostly including PhD’s for keeping the dams .(100 pages vs 15 pages for dam removal). February 2024 Plaintiff was at Holiday Market in Klamath falls and handed out 500 documents which said we need to dredge behind the dams and install fish ladders. The result was 500 to one wanted to keep the dams. Plaintiff has graduate 461 statistics. Both ends of the river where its most populated is for keeping the dams. Therefore, most stakeholders, (over 80% conservatively) are for keeping the dams!
Please click 65 and read the pleading. The so called findings and recommendations of the court appears as if written by defendants legal counsel. Please also click Judicial notice of case facts. This case is about killing a herd of elk and 2000 fish including endangered Salmon and killing all aquatic life in 120 river miles between Iron Gate Dam and the ocean with five million metric Yards of silt released from the Iron Gate Dam. I asked FERC to remove Defendants license because they did not do required mitigation. The defendants actions killed 2000 fish including endangered Salmon and a herd of Elk without permits.
On 7/11/2024, the following Filing was submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington D.C.:
Filer: Individual No Affiliation
No Organization Found (as Agent)
Docket(s): P-14803-000
Lead Applicant: Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Filing Type: Court Related Documents
Description: Response to Findings and Recommendation of Dave White filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon-Portland Division re the Lower Klamath Hydroelectric Project under P-14803.
To view the document for this Filing, click here
Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered on 7/8/2024 at 3:53 PM PDT and filed on 7/8/2024
Case Name: | White v. Coffman et al |
Case Number: | 3:24-cv-00755-JR |
Filer: | David White |
Document Number: | 65 |
Docket Text:
Motion PLAINTIFF OBJECTIONS TO FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION. Filed by David White. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment Judicial Notice of case facts) (White, David).
Some grass growing up through the silt will be contaminated and any
animal eating it will die. See
Arsenic and Chromium 6 in the sediment behind the dams. See chapter three.
The below information is from the 2011 chemistry test of silt behind the Klamath river dams which is now beside the river and downstream. The silt is contaminated with super high levels of arsenic, chromium 6 and carcinogens. No one should go near the river without a gas mask on.
Chapter three Table 3. Chemicals in 2009-2010 Klamath Reservoir Sediment that Exceed One or More Human Health Sediment Screening Levels
See chapter 3. Arsenic, Chromium 6 and DDT in the sediment behind the
2011 Report of extremely dangerous arsenic, Chromium 6 and DDT
contamination in the Klamath River System silt, thoroughly debunking
KRRC’s recent whitewash of their failure to mitigate.
The information below is from the 2011 chemistry test of silt behind the
Klamath River dams, which has now been deposited on downstream
riverbanks, thanks to KRRC’s ineptitude. All the riverbanks are now
contaminated with ultra-high levels of arsenic, chromium 6 and carcinogens
in the silt. No human should go near the river without a gas mask and the
original mitigation requirement of fencing must now be installed over twice
as much River mileage (RM) to prevent further destruction of wildlife. This
is a high price to pay for KRRC’s penchant for cutting corners to get the job
done quick.
Chapter three Table 3.
Chemicals in 2009-2010 Klamath Reservoir Sediment that Exceed One or
More Human Health Sediment Screening Levels.
Lower Klamath
Chromium at limit of SL1-FWS, SL2-FWS, FWS TEL, FWS LEL, FWS PEL, FWS TEC.
Upper Klamath
Chromium at limit of SL1-FWS, FWS TEL, FWS LEL, FWS PEL, FWS
Copco 1 Reservoir
Arsenic concentration is 6.3 to 13 times concentration of safe limits of EPA
BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL) ETHER, a carcinogen is at the limits of EPA RSL.
J.C. Boyle Reservoir
Arsenic 38 to 214 times concentration of safe limits of EPA RSL TOT CAR,
4,4-DDT 12 to103 times concentration of safe limits of ODEQ BSLV H-S,
Iron Gate Reservoir
Arsenic 26 to 143 times safe concentration exceeded all screening levels
high concentration. EPA RSL TOT CAR, CHHSL, Res, CHHSL, Comm
BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL) ETHER, a carcinogen is at the limits of EPA RSL.
Lower Klamath Estuary
Arsenic is 8.2 to 46 times in concentration exceeding all screening levels
Upper Klamath Estuary
Arsenic is 5.6 to 31 times safe concentration exceeding all screening levels
BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL) ETHER, a carcinogen is at the safe limits of EPA RSL
Signs should be posted in English and Spanish “Don’t come closer to the
river without a gas mask”. The silt is contaminated with high amounts of
arsenic, chromium 6 and DDT. See Klamath
page. The urgency of this injunction is underscored by reports of the threat
to humans and wildlife now emerging from the Klamath basin below the
Iron Gate Dam. One resident has preserved a dead beaver in cold storage
that we are seeking to autopsy as soon as possible. We are also getting
reports of unsuspecting fisherman returning to the river to catch
unsuspecting salmon entering from the Pacific. They are completely
oblivious to the deadly threat, which cannot be detected by sight or smell.
As noted above, the concentrations of lethal chemicals are levels of
magnitude above government sanctioned safety limits. The picture below
is but one more illustration of KRRCs’ ineptitude and failure to understand
or comply with mitigation requirements. They assume that simply planting
grass and restoring native herbs and shrubs is adequate for the task. No
thought has been given to the lethal effect this is having on wildlife grazing
on the riverbanks. In reality, we are looking at an EPA Super-Fund site of
mammoth proportions. Once again, we alerted EPA earlier this week.
The relatively simple task of dredging silt contained behind the 4 dams has
now been spread out over the 120 RM Klamath basin below the Iron Gate
Dam. Not to mention the 100+ river miles between the Iron Gate and the
JC Boyle Dam upriver in Oregon. Silt on both sides of the river will need to
be skimmed off, heat-treated in a decontamination, scrubbing facility, and
then returned to the mountains.
Had Plaintiff’s original request for a “stop work” injunction
(3:24-cv-00755-JR) been honored back on May 3rd, the two major dams
could have been salvaged from mindless destruction and at least some of
this damage would have been avoided. This fiasco stands as a testimony
of compliance with half-baked, emotion-charged, “radical environmentalist”
ideology, while completely ignoring sound principles of environmental
The 2018 FERC document (baseline document) required in item
(e) that the Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC) must perform
mitigation prior to removing any dam on the Klamath River. Items 24 to 30
contained local resident stakeholder’s testimony expressing concern for the
loss of fish life and arsenic blowing in the wind from dried silt.
Plaintiff has learned from KRRCs’ Legal Counsel in Case 3:24-cv-00755-
JR that KRRC did in fact inform FERC that they performed mitigation.
However, the environmental catastrophe they created proves that they
either did not mitigate, or they mitigated the wrong issues.
To illustrate, imagine a highway with three trees overhanging at about a
forty-five-degree angle. The transportation department sent out a crew to
mitigate the situation. However, the crew removes three trees on the
opposite side of the highway leaning into the ditch. Subsequently, a
leaning tree falls on a car and kills four people. This is wrong mitigation.
This is essentially what KRRC has done, destroying some 2000 fish and a
herd of elk and some deer. Yet, these upstream assaults on the
environment pale in comparison to KRRC’s wanton destruction of all
aquatic life from Iron Gate dam to the ocean (120 RM) in January 2024.
That’s the result of their gross negligence in flushing 5 million metric yards
of arsenic, chromium 6 and DDT laden silt from behind the Dams.
Additionally, the Federal Prosecutor will likely file federal felonies against
KRRC and their accomplices for killing the fish, deer and elk without
All of this Exxon-Valdez level disaster could have been easily prevented by
the relatively inexpensive expedient of dredging behind the dams, de-
toxifying the silt, and installing fish ladders. Thus, the problem would have
been resolved for another 50+ years to everyone’s satisfaction, including
the upstream malcontents.
This also is a testament to cherry-picking evidence, while ignoring
unanimous testimony and polling results of virtually all downstream
stakeholders. Thankfully, this kind of pseudo-science has recently been
outlawed by the United States Supreme Court; unfortunately, too late for
the Klamath River Basin.
Plaintiff in items 1-7 details that this case pertains to environmental
damage perpetrated by KRRC.
The facts above are environmental issues of grave concern to plaintiff and
Klamath Basin dwellers.
Plaintiff filed in FERC Docket P-14803-000 a request for rehearing on Defendants license to remove it.
On 7/15/2024, the following Filing was submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington D.C.:
Filer: Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Klamath River Renewal Corporation (as Agent)
Docket(s): P-14803-001
Lead Applicant: Klamath River Renewal Corporation
Filing Type: Environmental and Recreational Compliance Report
Description: Klamath River Renewal Corporation submits Final Monthly Report for April 2024 for the California Water Quality Monitoring Plan re the Lower Klamath Hydroelectric Project under P-14803.
To view the document for this Filing, click here

Silt beside Klamath
Actual case facts:
1. The federal Prosecutor in Portland ordered the FBI to investigate your clients admitting in a press conference killing around 2000 fish including endangered salmon. Your clients should expect to be charged with around 8000 felonies in the coming weeks.
2. The EPA is investigating your clients release of 5 million Metrix yards of silt from the iron gate dam which killed all aquatic life to the coast. The EPA knows this is worse than the Exxon Valdez oil spill. This will most likely be a superfund cleanup. I have also copied this email to a good friend high up in the EPA structure.
3. Your pleadings mostly are 18 U.S.C. § 1001 False Statements, Concealment
Your clients should negotiate with Plaintiff very soon to stay out of jail.
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 10:50 PM
Subject: Activity in Case 3:24-cv-00755-JR White v. Coffman et al Motion – Miscellaneous
This is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended.
***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se litigants) to receive one free electronic copy of all documents filed electronically, if receipt is required by law or directed by the filer. PACER access fees apply to all other users. To avoid later charges, download a copy of each document during this first viewing. However, if the referenced document is a transcript, the free copy and 30 page limit do not apply.
U.S. District Court
District of Oregon
Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered on 6/18/2024 at 10:49 PM PDT and filed on 6/18/2024
Case Name: | White v. Coffman et al |
Case Number: | 3:24-cv-00755-JR |
Filer: | David White |
Document Number: | 55 |
FBI, EPA and Corps of Engineers are all investigating Defendants.
- FBI for the Federal Prosecutor for 9 federal laws broke killing 2000 fish, a herd of elk and all aquatic life below the Iron Gate Dam.
- The EPA is investigating killing all aquatic life below the Iron Gate Dam. Defendants let out 5 million metric yards of sediment from the Iron gate dam and filled all the estuaries with silt. Also killing crab and clams and fish. This is bigger then the Exxon Valdez’s spill. The EPA is considering to make it a superfund cleanup.
- Corps of Engineers are investigating Defendants not having a clean water act section 404 permit. This permit is required before starting.
- Defendants chemistry test was a sham. The samples were from pristine tributaries going into the Klamath River. No chemistry test of contaminated silt.
Plaintiff received a call at 2:30 pm June 13th from San Francisco Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory division. 415-503-6813 The woman who called said the director of the Regulatory division has taken a keen interest in Defendants Section 404 no-permit violations. Plaintiff asked if the Regulatory division could give defendants a stop work order like a home inspector does. Emphatically she said “Yes we can”!
- Furthermore, Defendants Legal Counsels, Pleading are 18 U.S.C. § 1001 False Statements, Concealment and misuse of federal law and case law. Also stating that other similar cases were dismissed because the court lacked jurisdiction. Plaintiff has firsthand knowledge that one of those cases was dismissed because of procedural errors that, legal counsel made in their pleadings.
A social media post described Defendants fake chemistry test. In the FERC upload their chemistry test left out critical information like how the test was performed. They only said rough locations. The social media post said the defendants took samples from tributary’s flowing into Klamath River. Anyone can easily understand those samples would be pristine because of no disturbance up the tributaries like has been done in the Klamath River
Plaintiff has a freedom of Information act request to get the JC Boyle and Iron Gate Dam mechanical drawings. Also receiving a budgetary quote to install fish ladders on said dams from Hamilton Construction of Springfield Oregon who are the experts for fish ladders.
Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered on 6/12/2024 at 9:55 PM PDT and filed on 6/12/2024
Case Name: | White v. Coffman et al |
Case Number: | 3:24-cv-00755-JR |
Filer: | David White |
Document Number: | 54 |
Docket Text:
Motion EMERGENCY DECLARATION FEDERAL RULE 87C. Oral Argument requested. Expedited Hearing requested. Filed by David White. (White, David)
Notice of Electronic Filing: 6-3-2024
The following transaction was entered on 6/3/2024 at 11:39 PM PDT and filed on 6/3/2024
Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: David White Document Number: 46 Docket Text:
Motion MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AMENDED. Filed by David White. (White, David)
3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice has been electronically mailed to:
David White
Julia E. Markley,,,
Laura Godfrey Zagar
Megan K. Houlihan,,
Richard Roos-Collins,
3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice will not be electronically mailed to:The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:
Document description:Main Document
Original filename:Not Available
Electronic document Stamp:
[STAMP ordStamp_ID=875559790 [Date=6/3/2024] [FileNumber=8595637-0] [3
Update: 6-2-2024
Notice of Electronic Filing
The following transaction was entered on 6/1/2024 at 8:04 PM PDT and filed on 6/1/2024Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: David White Document Number: 41 Docket Text:
Plaintiffs-responce-to-defendants-reply-in-support-of-joint-motion Plaintiffs-emergency-request-to-stop-Ion-Gate-dam-destruction
Notice of Electronic Filing: 5-27-2024
The following transaction was entered on 5/27/2024 at 12:28 PM PDT and filed on 5/27/2024
Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: David White Document Number: 32 Docket Text:
Proposed Motion Gag Order request for defendants. Filed by David White. (White, David)
3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice has been electronically mailed to:
David White
Julia E. Markley,,,
Megan K. Houlihan,,
3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice will not be electronically mailed to:The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:
Document description:Main Document
Original filename:Not Available
Electronic document Stamp:
[STAMP ordStamp_ID=875559790 [Date=5/27/2024] [FileNumber=8588243-0] [
Letter to Judge Nelson
Subject: Case 3:24-cv-00755-JR
Importance: HighDear Honorable District Judge Nelson and Honorable Magistrate Judge Russo
It is no exaggeration to state that our case already involves an environmental catastrophe similar in severity and scope to the Exxon-Valdez oil spill and may even exceed it.
Forgive me for interrupting your weekend and perhaps speaking out of turn, but I feel it is vitally important to impress upon you the extreme urgency of this situation. I am speaking here on a personal level to stress implications and avoid introducing new relevant facts not already part of the legal record.
My grave concern is that various legal proceedings and maneuverings will serve as a delaying action to make my request for an injunction a moot point because the dam is destroyed in the very near future – probably less than 10 days from now.
Because we are copying the defendant I assume this is not ex parte, but just in case, the rule says: Rule 2.9: Ex Parte Communications: Here are the initial clauses of this Rule:
(A) A judge shall not initiate, permit, or consider ex parte communications, or consider other communications made to the judge outside the presence of the parties or their lawyers, concerning a pending* or impending matter,* except as follows:
(1) When circumstances require it, ex parte communication for scheduling, administrative, or emergency purposes, which does not address substantive matters, is permitted, provided:
(a) the judge reasonably believes that no party will gain a procedural, substantive, or tactical advantage as a result of the ex parte communication; and
(b) the judge makes provision promptly to notify all other parties of the substance of the ex parte communication, and gives the parties an opportunity to respond.
Plaintiff has cc’ed Defendants Legal Counsel
Please consider carefully this analysis of the situation by the Siskiyou News, “It is no doubt that 5,000,000 yards of silt released from the Iron Gate Dam on January 23 is the cause of killing all of the aquatic life from the Iron Gate Dam to the Ocean on the Klamath River.”
Parts of the coastline at the mouth of the River have already been contaminated – we just don’t know at this point. It is an environmental remediation that will most likely involve the EPA because of extreme downstream damage that has already been inflicted between the Iron Gate dam and the Pacific Ocean.
There is no debate that the release of about 5-million metric yards of sediment from Iron Gate Dam on January 23, 2024 virtually killed all aquatic lifeforms in the Klamath River all the way to the coast.
I have filed for a case with the FBI to investigate violations of Federal law at the request of the Federal Prosecutor’s office.
If this injunction is not forthcoming very soon, the damage will be levels of magnitude greater and virtually irreparable. That last remaining dam is all that now stands between “the Devil and the deep blue sea.”
I am able to speak with authority on this issue because I’m a Chemical Engineer knowledgeable in Electrical and Hydraulics, which are required for such a project. Tragically, the actions taken to date have demonstrated a
level of technical expertise insufficient to remediate the mess that has already been created. For example, on one project I was responsible to purchase a billion dollars of semi-conductor equipment, so I know how to manage
a large project like this without issues.
As everybody knows, our concern is that ill-trained amateurs have somehow persuaded a committee of ill-informed bureaucrats to circumvent Congress and Federal law to take an extremely ill-advised action. No legal right has been granted by Congress to remove any dam without Congressional approval, let alone the last remaining Iron Gate Dam on the Klamath River. It is imperative that the destruction of the Iron Gate is stopped immediately. To summarize the situation:
1. We have a Confession to gross negligence in killing 2,000 fish and an elk herd without permits, which pales in comparison to:
2. Dumping of contaminated silt which already killed all aquatic life below the dam to the ocean.
3. The threat of destroying all flood control which will cost an estimated $50,000,000+ annual cleanup, based on the 1964 flood damage costs
4. Atmospheric pollution caused by arsenic and other potential contaminants that we don’t even know about yet from the dried sediment blowing in the wind
5. Alleged violation of at least 3 Federal laws, including environmental laws
Again, may I stress that I am not saying anything that has not already been introduced in court.
If this project was turned over to my team we would:
1. Repair the existing vandalism
2. Install a fish ladder on Iron Gate Dam.
3. Dredge behind it all the way to the top of the river after chemically analyzing the silt and mitigating any contaminants in the silt.
Defendants’ two recent pleadings have only served to muddy the water (no pun intended) by what I believe to be misinterpretation of the relevant statutes and case law. I only mention these things because I believe various legal procedures may serve as a delaying action to make the injunction a moot point because the dam is destroyed.
Please grant the injunction that Plaintiff has asked without further delay. I will fix this mess for you in 3 to 5 years. It will take all of Defendants’ allotted funds – and probably more – to fix this. But performance of these critical cleanup duties is clearly beyond the defendants’ level of expertise.
This is so serious that I felt it was imperative to initiate an ongoing FBI investigation at the request of the Federal Prosecutor. It may need to be reported directly to EPA after I have determined the exact severity of the calamity and damages to the multiple estuaries. It is likely to include things such as depth of the silt on the estuaries, the exact nature of the poison and contaminants in the silt, and other important factors.
Professor Dave White, Chemical Engineer
The issue with the salmon in the Columbia river is not the dams. It’s the sea lions.
We can help you write an injunction against what this judge did based on junk science. As long as a dam has a fish ladder then the fish are trained to go there. However like the Columbia river the Sea Lions wait at the fish ladder entrance downstream of the dam.
Dave White Chemical Engineer with Graduate 461 Statistics.
Notice of Electronic Filing: 5-22-2024
The following transaction was entered on 5/22/2024 at 1:27 PM PDT and filed on 5/22/2024
Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: Document Number: 25(No document attached) Docket Text:
ORDER: Plaintiff’s Motion, ECF [22], is DENIED. Although plaintiff clarified in his motion that he is asking for his requested rulings “to be considered by the court at the appropriate time,” his motion is, in essence, a motion for judgment on the pleadings. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(c), such a motion is appropriately filed only “[a]fter the pleadings are closed[.]” Defendants have not filed an answer or other responsive pleading to plaintiff’s complaint. Thus, the pleadings are not closed, and plaintiff’s motion is procedurally inappropriate. Ordered by Judge Adrienne Nelson. (dsg)
3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice has been electronically mailed to:
Julia E. Markley,,,
Megan K. Houlihan,,
David White
Notice of Electronic Filing: 5-21-2024
The following transaction was entered on 5/21/2024 at 4:04 PM PDT and filed on 5/20/2024
Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: Document Number: 23 Docket Text:
Service Papers Received. Summons issued as to Mark Bransom, Dave Coffman, Klamath River Renewal Corporation. Summons, USM 285 form(s), and copies of the Complaint and Order to Proceed in forma pauperis forwarded to the U.S. Marshals Service for service. (Attachments: # (1) Attachment USM 285 Form) (fp)
3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice has been electronically mailed to:
David White
Julia E. Markley,,,
Megan K. Houlihan,,
3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice will not be electronically mailed to:The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:
Document description:Main Document
Original filename:Not Available
Electronic document Stamp:
[STAMP ordStamp_ID=875559790 [Date=5/21/2024] [FileNumber=8583688-0] [
Document description:Attachment USM 285 Form
Original filename:Not Available
Electronic document Stamp:
[STAMP ordStamp_ID=875559790 [Date=5/21/2024] [FileNumber=8583688-1] [
Update: 5-19-2024
UPDATE: The press release for our injunction filing can be found here:
And here:
Notice of Electronic Filing: 5-18-2024
The following transaction was entered on 5/18/2024 at 4:02 PM PDT and filed on 5/18/2024
Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: David White Document Number: 20 Docket Text:
Emergency Motion . Expedited Hearing requested. Filed by David White. (Attachments: # (1) Proposed Summons, # (2) Proposed Document) (White, David)
3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice has been electronically mailed to:
David White
Julia E. Markley,,,
Megan K. Houlihan,,
3:24-cv-00755-JR Notice will not be electronically mailed to:The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:
Notice of Electronic Filing 5-16-2024
The following transaction was entered on 6/11/2024 at 11:33 AM PDT and filed on 6/11/2024Case Name: White v. Coffman et al Case Number: 3:24-cv-00755-JR Filer: David White Document Number: 53 ECF 53 Docket Text:
Motion PLAINTIFF RESPONSE TO JURISDICTION. Filed by David White. (White, David)Email sent to clients attorneys.
I filed a complaint against defendants with the Army Corp of Engineers Regulatory section. They know your clients have no permit for what they are doing. They should have applied for the required section 404 permit two years ago. I applied for one to rebuild the dams. You client therefore can’t apply until after mine is decided.
Email sent to Defendants (Klamath River Renewal and RES) attorneys after I submitted this ECF 51.
Your clients have zero legal right to do anything with the Klamath river dams.
Also, the required section 404 permit (paragraph, page 15) was not applied
for or received in:
181 FERC ¶ 61,122
Before Commissioners: Richard Glick, Chairman;
James P. Danly, Allison Clements,
Mark C. Christie, and Willie L. Phillips.
PacifiCorp Klamath River Renewal Corporation State of Oregon State of California Project Nos. 2082-063 14803-001 Order MODIFYING AND APPROVING Surrender of License and
Page 15 Section 3. The Corps’ Section 404 Permit
Section 404 of the CWA requires authorization from the Secretary of the
Army, acting through the Corps, for the discharge of dredged or fill
material into all waters of the United States, including wetlands. The
Renewal Corporation has applied to the Corps for a permit that would
authorize the placement of approximately 212,000 cubic yards of
permanent or temporary fill material within 20 acres of jurisdictional waters
in the Klamath River. The Renewal Corporation’s section 404 permit
application remains under the Corps’ consideration. Pursuant to Ordering
Paragraph (K), land-disturbing activities subject to the Corps’ jurisdiction
under CWA section 404 may not begin until the Corps has issued a
permit authorizing such activities.
This “The Renewal Corporation’s section 404 permit application remains
under the Corps’ consideration) is 18 U.S.C. § 1001 False Statements,
No such section 404 permit application has been filed with the Army Corps
of Engineers. This is a well-documented case fact with proof below.
Email from CESPN-RG-Info <>
Dear Mr. White,
You may view Pending and Final Individual Permits issued by this Office
using our USACE Jurisdictional Determinations and Permit Decisions Web
viewer ( The project you’re
looking is likely the green dot northeast of Yreka. We recommend
reaching out to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation regarding any
permits issued to them.
If you would like to request copies of our records related to specific permit
actions, you are welcome to do so through our FOIA process. Unlike other
agencies, FOIA requests are made directly to the District and usually have
a quick turnaround. To access instructions, please visit the San Francisco
District’s FOIA webpage at The
webpage provides instructions and examples to walk you through the FOIA
process. The three key items to include in your electronic FOIA request
would be:
1) a subject line reading “Freedom of Information Act Request;”
2) a description of the records providing sufficient detail to allow the FOIA
office to locate them with a reasonable amount of effort; and 3) a statement
that you are willing to pay the applicable fees. The request should be sent
to San Francisco District’s FOIA Coordinator, Cassidy Holmes.
USACE, San Francisco District
450 Golden Gate Ave., 4th Flr.
San Francisco, California 94102-3404
Plaintiff, following Court protocol sent D23LC a Discovery email about an
Army Corps of Engineers section 404 permit! No response to date from
Defendants through D23LC about this.
In short, Defendants don’t have a Section 404 or 408 Permit from army
Corp of Engineers!
Even searching all Districts and all years there exists no Section 404
permit or pending application for Klamath River Dam Removal.
By contrast, Plaintiff has submitted a Section 404 application to put five
salmon protection devices on the Bonneville Dam’s fish ladders which will
restore the Columbia River salmon runs within seven years. Our funding
from OWEB and NOAA fisheries is under review.
This section 404 was applied for on 1/3/2024 and has not yet been
approved. Defendants haven’t even filed an application!
Our Injunction and complaint to stop the removal of Klamath River dams in Oregon and California was sent to Cindy Crane of PacifiCorp on 2/25/2024. Everyone please call 1-888-221-7070 and say no rate increases. Memorandum of points filed debunking the FERC document. Discovery and pretrial order signed by federal judge.
Update: 5-16-2024
UPDATE: Please share the urgent information on the Iron Gate Dam. While removal will eventually return the river it’s natural flow regime, we have no idea where that is going to be and there were many historical floods before the dam was built to regulate the flow. For more information see these articles: