Pomeroy Dam removal

USGS Kirby station upstream from Cave Junction.

Writ of Certiorari filed in US Supreme Court against Water Watch. The Illinois River has been above flood stage several days from Mid February 2025 because of no dam. We filed rule 55 for a default judgement on 9/22/24 also request for summary judgement. Then on 9/25/24 we filed emergency motion for decision and execution of summary judgement. Update 9/21/24: Water Watch and other defendant’s have been in default in this case since September 13th, 2024. Soon a rule 55 and rule 56 will be file which are Plaintiffs request for general default and summary default with a rule writ of mandamus. Water Watch had no legally obtained permit to take out Pomeroy Dam. Their Oregon DEQ 401 permit is only about turbidity in the river caused by digging. The Section 404 and 408 permits of the Clean Water act were withdrawn March 12th 2024. National or regional permits are only for habit restoration not dam removal. Water Watch of Portland permit application was a false document. Class Action Complaint and Injunction filed against Water Watch and other defendants filed in Medford Oregon Federal Court on August 23rd 2024 and served to the defendants. Defendants Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 401 permit application: https://ordeq-edms-public.govonlinesaas.com/pub/pub-rcd/permits Permit permit 2023-591. When clicking on the coordinates it takes you to the Josephine County Jail not the dam.

The complete Illinois River is a wild and scenic river. https://www.wyden.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/RiverDemocracyAct_TOTAL_22.pdf

 Page 9 has the data which proves this.

Defendants DEQ permit was bogus. https://ordeq-edms-public.govonlinesaas.com/pub/pub-rcd/permits

 Click on the project and the coordinates take to the Josephine County Jail.

Therefore the Pomeroy dam could not be removed. Newspaper article published. New article published.